Sunday, April 06, 2008


This is a young lion I met in South Africa about one year ago.
I like his expression, it is as if he was approaching the punch line of a raunchy joke.

What DO lions joke about?
Cocky gnus? Zebra's tempers? Tipsy giraffes?


Lc said...

Hi again, thanks for the feedback in my blog.
I add your blog link, in my KEEP TALKING LINKS.
To keep in touch.


Ps-Great pictures and you speak very well portuguese.

Jobove - Reus said...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Catalonia Spain
thank you

Garbidz said...

thanks, obrigado, gracias

I really like it when people SAY something.

LIke this lion...don't you think that he is just telling a joke?

Jobove - Reus said...

Thank you for leaving a commentary in our blog, regards from Reus Catalonia Spain, we are to your disposition for what it is convenient for you

Jordi Ballvé ... Make the change said...

Good day,

I have just discovered your blog and the truth is that I have liked it|him|her a lot. From this moment you already have a link in mine, and I wait for some visit of yours of time in when, with mine you can already recount.

An embrace and until soon