Tuesday, April 08, 2008

after Nissan X-trail, the deluge

I have to confess, I do not have a bad conscience of driving a 4x4. It is not because I am ignorant; I am not. Our beautiful fragile planet is overheating, drying up, flooding and getting increasingly toxic.

Too many people like me. Too many people commuting, air-conditioning, eating deep frozen delicacies and buying stuff we don't need wrapped in stuff that kills sea mammals. Too many people like me flying jet planes and defecating in water.

I even use diesel-generated electricity. Now is that a no-no or not! I never buy bio stuff because I like to know that what I eat or put on my skin has fulfils ISO norms. I do not mind manipulated genes or stem cell research.

And I like the 4x4. Our bikes and picnic gear goes to the back.
We drive around, park the car, ride a little, eat a little and take a little siesta somewhere on the mountains or the seaside.
Life is beautiful, delicious and good.

Meanwhile elsewhere we have the Chinese starting up 5 coal plants every day. We see the Indians multiplying like drunken rabbits and pretty soon getting a car, each one of the 1.2 billion of them.

We see the americans (5% of the world population) burning about 30% of the world fossile fuel consumption.

Plus, plus, plus.
So we do our little sins here on our little island with not too much soul-searching. While it lasts, it is very nice.
It won't be for long. I would gladly suffer to change it. But I cannot, in this matter I am powerless. 

BTW it is true that women are better drivers, doing about half of the kilometers but causing only one sixth of the accidents.
(I also like her smile)

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