Wednesday, April 23, 2008

no go

If you make a list of four things to do up town you run a chance of getting two of them done. My Nokia N81 8GB broke again. Something with the navibutton, cursor jumping back and forth like crazy. Still under guarantee so...except that today SFR, the local "service provider" (HA!) had closed its Service Aprés-vente. Usually on has to wait at least 45 minutes to get service and now it ceased totally.

There is a packet in mail since two weeks but it does not exist. I called and a friendly guy explained that they have about 6 weeks of waiting in the customs. If you ever have something to send to France, use DHL, UPS, Fedex or whatever but DO NOT USE FRENCH POST!

None of the mechanic shops were open so I could not have my register plates changed.

On the way home I spent half an hour in traffic jam. The road was blocked for no obvious reason "Travails en cours".

This island is a training course of frustration tolerance.
The worst part of it is that it works. You know that there is no such thing as tomorrow, only "not today for sure". You assume the same style little by little. It has been a month since I wore real shoes. My mail is gathering in piles unanswered. Reminders of different colors. Even uncashed checks. Nobody's taking out garbage and it stinks.

This is scary.
How to fight Island Idiocy?
Or should I just go fishing.


Anonymous said...

Et finalement...

Have I waited for the man to continue writing or have I waited???

I saw the pictures of beautiful bride with Brede and I here that the grandfather clock is ticking - nice!

I like the lion photo on the wall at Kaisa's - so does she... The old lady has turned 90 and still as cheerful as ever - remarkable.

Unfortunately this cannot be said for our uncle 5 years younger...

Life on our island is good, 'though weather on yours is much better.

Keep writing please - it's so nice getting your opinion on life...


Garbidz said...

OK will do you just wait.