Saturday, April 05, 2008

fears of dying, getting old

Lava rock is not the easiest surface to walk on. Or it depends. If it is level and dry, OK. But at the beach where the molten stone has boiled and bubbled with sea water, it gets very uneven. And very, very slippery when wet. The thing is, one does not see the difference. All of a sudden you just lose grip and off you go. It is the algae.

april 5, le Gouffre

This morning, decided to capture the (overly magenta) morning light again I headed to le Gouffre, a lava rock formation about 10 minutes walk from here. With my Loewepro on my back and the tripod in hand as a walking stick I negotiated down the slippery rocks. Shot some photos of which I am not very proud artistically. Technically they are so about there. 

april 5, le Gouffre

Climbing back up I was thinking all kinds of things. FLIP-CRASH! there I was, sitting in a pond of seawater, my knee twisted. Feeling like an idiot I took a deep breath, packed up my gear and -as I was sitting down already- took a pause.

These are the kinds of things you get when you do not appreciate your age.
You get carried away in you daydreams for a  split second and you get hit by the forces of gravity.

Some of the pictures turned out OK. But my leg hurts...

april 5, le Gouffre

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