Wednesday, April 09, 2008

going HDR, thanks to Catalunia

Got the idea from fellow blogger.
What you need is Photoshop CS2 or higher on your computer and two photos that are similar except for the exposure.

Obviously, things are easier if you take the pictures with HDR conversion in mind in the first place. Your digital SLR knows how to bracket the exposure automatically if you tell him so. One needs the operating instructions, though.

On my first attempt I can see that instead of just taking two photos with different exposures I should have pretreated the other one's rocks and the other one's clouds to get a result.

My photo is just another picture, no drama.
Which is (sort of) how I want it but not quite as bland as this.

Got to keep on trying.


Jobove - Reus said...

thank you !!!

merike said...

Hassua, mua juuri tänään neuvottiin tässä samassa jutussa Fotkissa. vai ymmärsinkö oikein?? Cars and Trucks album | AFI | Nämä kai on tehty samalla periaatteella?

Ovatko nämä katalonialaiset valokuvat muuten bloggaajan itsensä ottamia? Minä en uskalla käyttää muita kuin Wikipedian kuvia jutuissani itse ottamieni snapshotsien lisäksi:-)

Garbidz said...

Merike said (in the beautiful and expressive Finnish language) that she's ran into this same technique on Cars and Trucks album | AFI |

She is wondering if té la mà maria-reus had taken the shots of his blog himself finding the idea of using somebody else's pictures scary.

Well, I would not know.
Maybe if we ask him...?

BTW please go and listen to the music on Merike's blog You won't regret it.

merike said...

I always worry about copyrights with pics so I wouldn't dare. Still, "my music" on my two blogs, the same problem? Thanks for encouraging "you" to visit my blog no matter for what reason:-) I always thought "he" was a "she", goodness.. Have a beautiful day!