Friday, September 05, 2008

Oh, my Dawg!

When people argue about the question of God or no god they usually do not know what the argument is about. Mostly they just keep repeating the same misunderstandings over and over, not reaching understanding or peace.

The atheist says there is no god.
What God is he referring to?
If it is the current media version of God who looks like Santa Claus on steroids and acts as if he’d need Thorazine as well, he probably is right.

As to the Old testament and Holy Qu’ran versions of God, I’d be very, very surprised of any proof of their existence could ever be presented, either.

Modern man knows so much about history, laws of physics and the dimensions of the universe that he cannot possibly take the campfire stories of the ancient Middle East shepherds seriously.

In fact, man has gained knowledge of so many unrelated details of the world that he has been forced to invent psychotropic drugs, professional sporting events and satellite television to rescue him from anxiety.

In the deluge of these irrelevant facts he has managed to forget the old truth: God is a concept, a feeling that is needed by the human being to feel whole and well.

Let’s take an analogy: Democracy.
Most people do believe in democracy but few know what it is. Nobody knows where it is or what it is made of. Still people crave for it and are ready to suffer, starve and kill in the name of it. They believe, they have felt its effects and seen what life is like without it. They have seen the doings of democracy and believe.

Can democracy exist without the human mind? What about God, can he?

Man is the only species able to have the human feeling of divinity. The entity inducing this feeling can be interpreted totally differently in a hypothetical species lacking the “God-sense” that appears to reside in the prefrontal cortex of the human beings.
Whether animals have religious feelings or not, I really do not know. If I’d make a guess, they live it all the time but how can I tell for sure.

I am made of God and God is made of me. Is there a “me”?

Let me try to explain what God is to me. I have scientific training and I do support the efforts of sceptics all around the world where they go about catching magicians thriving on defenceless suckers. To me, Galileo, Keppler, Newton, Einstein, Bohr Darwin, Pascal and Jung are holy men.

I love the planets.
Looking at the moons of Jupiter gives me the kicks. It takes me thinking about Galileo. How he kept observing the planet and its moons with his telescope: “Whatever the priests might say, they cannot stop the moons orbiting Jupiter and all the planets orbiting the Sun.” The priests refused to look in “the Devil’s tube”.

Keppler, Galilei and after them thousands of astronomers gradually assembled the big picture about how the universe is organized. With the help of the Hubble and digital processing of serially coupled radio antennae our sight reaches ever further. We can observe stars being born. We can see planets vanishing in black holes with nothing but radiation left behind. We can listen to the symphony of the stars for, analyse the spectra of the energy and calculate the age of the universe from the basic hum.

Definitely something more than a whimsical bearded patriarch was needed to bring about all this, n'est pas?

I love life.
The greatest moments in my job are the ones when I see a baby being born. How he just is there, all of a sudden, brought about by physical chemistry, millions of years of evolution and the energy of the Sun.

There were the strands of DNA, some Life Magic and the result is there, screaming his head off to the blinding light and coldness of the world, trying to get hold of his mama with his unseeing eyes.

Yes, I am familiar with some biochemistry and biology and genetics. But the heaviest volume of Obstetrics textbooks cannot take away the feeling of awe and wonder of birth.
To me, new life represents a miracle.

I love energy.

All the life we see on this planet is powered by radiation from the nuclear reactions of the Sun. Green plants and some plankton are equipped with molecules that resonate with the wavelengths of the sunlight and capture its energy in the bonds of their molecules: Sugar, cellulose, starch and fat. Some forms of life use the deep-sea volcanic energy for the same purpose but I was talking about what we see.

Animals feed upon the plants and each other. We see how food chains are organized in the struggle of the energy. Life recombines its structures under the pressure of the struggle of survival. The weakest get eliminated in the game of selection. The blueprint of the genome is varied by mutations and the selection gets more material to choose from.

All of a sudden, there is sex.
Sex provides the living beings with a means of producing new variations of their genome far superior to anything else. The remarkable thing with sex is that it produces offspring determined by the preferences of the parents. This is quite unlike the blind mutations. The effect of sex would be a subject of many more books than already written about it.

I try to fathom how our search for the perfect sexual companion is related to Darwinism. There seems to be a very important role for archetypes there.

Now could the nomadic God of our books or in any other book create the chain of life sketched above?

Or could it ever be reconstructed by man? Could man ever figure out all the laws and their interferences and reverberations in all the possible variations that occur in the universe?

Could man ever in his head have picture of the entity that has produced the universe, microcosm and macrocosm, the laws of conventional and quantum physics and the probabilities that seem to control the occurrences in a way that definitely simulates the doings of a subject with a will.

My impression is that the entity is way too great for us to see. Looking at it, we might see some aspects of it or the boundaries of our understanding, if we are lucky. But definitely not the boundaries of the entity I call God.

I am made of God because me being here is an expression of the laws of physics and probabilities that govern the universe. God is made of me because it is I with my limited understanding, with my archaic animal senses and quite recently developed rational thinking that is trying to define God.

The best I can do is to carve a piece of God my size and show it around.

Of course, I can encourage other people to do the same, if they are lost and lonely in their worlds.

Is there a “me”?
I feel, therefore I am.
Eat that, Descartes!


Lc said...

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Well, ergo sum!

All this science and still nobody could ever expect to become President of the USA without "in God we trust" and "so help me God".

They come up with "intelligent design", creationists... One of the Nobel laureates said last year that perhaps my neighbours will believe in DNA/RNA etc. now that I got the Nobel prize for it. You wish...

OK, the Bible got most of the evolution things in the right order, but I will never ever believe that the holy ghost is not an euphemism for the Nazareth carpenter.

Still, church on X-mas morning with the wonderful music can be quite an experience but that is a completely different story.

Garbidz said...

in a big country there are a lot more stupid people than in a small one

they are better armed as well