Thursday, September 09, 2004

dreamtiger ... for those who know


As most of us know, Dreamtiger is an elusive animal, much like a Lightfish.
Most of us have met the two of them in several instances of our lives but only a few have ever been able to either decipher their message not to mention to catch one.There is, however, an efficient way of catching a Dreamtiger. Get a package of Tiger Balm available in most Chinese Pharmacist’s and easily recognizable by the animal on its cover. Cover the shade of your night lamp with a warm-colored piece of cloth to achieve a soft light not offensive to the sensitive eyes of a night animal. Reserve a note block and a pencil at the head of your bed where you can be sure to find them instantaneously, half asleep or in total darkness.
On going to bed you have your feet rubbed with the ointment. You will probably sense a change in the feel of your feet and a tickle of anticipation in your stomach. Set your alarm clock as you usually would, brush your teeth and cuddle up in your bed.Dreamtigers start to move about between 1.30 and 4 o'clock a.m.. If there happens to be a single Dreamtiger in the area he will be drawn to your bedroom as Tiger Balm Toes ("Pleecoo") are one thing they cannot resist, no matter how shy they might otherwise be. You will be woken up having one licking the soles of your feet with its coarse tongue, eyes half-closed and vocalizing the gutturals than in Tigrish are used to indicate general well being and joy of life.

Carried away with enjoyment, it will not be bothered by your shaded night lamp so you can write it down. Usually at this stage they notice of you. If startled, it flees immediately from your sight and from your memory. This is why you were supposed to have the note block and the pencil immediately at hand. To write down a Dreamtiger you do not need much, an outline of the stripes of its face or a sketch of theLink spatial pattern of its whiskers and eyebrows will do. Unlike tigers of the jungle, a Dreamtiger does not have white spots on the backs of its ears, so do not waste your time thinking about what it might have been signaling on departure..
After a couple of encounters with a Dreamtiger you can run into one while wide-awake. At this stage, they are not visible but you can feel a gentle push of a hairy nose between your shoulder bones, accompanied by a warm flush of recognizing something you do not quite know what it is. The proper way of acknowledging the greeting is to smile inwards and say to yourself: "Wrrfff to you too!". I strongly advice gainst uttering Tigrish greeting exclamations in the public as they easily upset the unaware.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First I thought of dreamtigers just as something surrealistic that would enrichen one´s life, so that one constantly knows that there are so many levels of being there - dreams, memories, fears. Just like Garbidz can conjure his Tiger into a short existence with Tiger Balsam, so does Borges in his Dream Tigers: in a dream he thinks he can force a tiger of his childhood´s fantasy to appear. There is a great difference, though: Borges´ Dream Tiger is far inferior to his childhood´s mental creation. A child´s feeling of omnipotence cannot be reached anymore in adult life, not even in a dream. Pekka Halonen, a Finnish painter, complained that the color of the common Finnish tree trunks had badly faded losing all the lovely red hues since his youth. In a way, I thus prefer Garbidz´Dream Tiger: it does not materialize at all, it remains an illusion and in this illusion I can keep the surprise and the awe and the secret admiration of a child: this tiger will never stay so long that anyone could stuff it.