Saturday, July 16, 2005

Monday, July 11, 2005

a strange animal

There are people who take light away and drain your strength. They ask you question with no answers and struggle with problems where no solutions can be found. They are powerless and they find the illusion of power in seeing others equally stunned. I think it is their justification: NOBODY can find a solution.

Though a solution exists: Look elsewhere.

Yesterday I had the rare pleasure of talking to a 15-year old girl who was completely healthy. Her joy of life was contagious, her smile so fresh and laughter like a spray of pearls. It was a party of grownups where I belonged as little as did she.

Grownups are a sad bunch. Vinegar, musty air, wrinkles. The smarter you are, the more you find fault with ...everything.

And there she was, her blue eyes twinkling like morning dew, her smile all open and nothing wrong with her wits. She shone a strange light that seemed to escape the eyes of the grownups. She was happy to be alive, delighted to learn new things, certain to be appreciated and used to be welcomed with smiles.

The three hours spent talking to her took twenty years off my age.
I got a little closer to the ethymology of Angels.
You see them or you don't, they exist or they don't.

I personally know they do.
Thank you, little Elisabeth!